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November 2018

Holiday Greetings from Haiti!


It’s hard to believe, another year is wrapping up. The older we get the faster time flies and the past few months were no exception to that rule!


I accompanied Adline, Miriam and Yanick to Pennsylvania at the end of August so they could begin another year at Free Gospel Bible Institute. The Lord really blessed us, one morning I had a few minutes so I went online to check the price of airline tickets from Port au Prince to Pittsburg, Pennsylvania and the tickets were available at that time for $75.00 per ticket on American Airlines, which was an unheard of super-low price! Needless to say, I immediately booked the flights for the four of us!  


Miriam and Yanick are seniors this year and they will graduate in May of 2018. We are looking forward to them returning to Haiti to work with us here at Missions in Haiti.


Our 2017-2018 school year here in Haiti started on September 4th. It is an exciting time of the year as the students return full of excitement about moving up to the next grade level! Good Hope School has right at 400 students again this year. We enroll 25 students per class for each of the 16 grade levels. This is a wonderful opportunity for the children in our area to get a good Christian education. They receive the Word of God through our Christ based curriculum, Bible class and Chapel services.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone that contributed the funds needed to purchase the text books as we mentioned in our last newsletter. As we explained, we download our curricula onto “Create Space” and have the text books professionally printed. We needed $9,000.00 for this project and I am pleased to report that the money came in; the books are ordered and will be shipped to Haiti on the container that will ship out of Tulsa in December!


In our last newsletter, we told about the first class to graduate this past June from our Haitian school. We mentioned that the graduating seniors are required to take a test provided by the Haitian government and if they pass the test, the Haitian government issues their diploma. We understand that around 60% of students graduating each year fail the government test. We give God and our Faculty all the credit and glory, 85% of the students that graduated from the Good Hope School passed the exam and received their government issued diploma. That is more than double the national average! Praise the Lord!


The news about our graduate’s success ratio is out and several Missionaries and directors of other Haitian schools have contacted us and inquired about purchasing text books from us to use in their schools. We believe that this curriculum will make a tremendous impact here in Haiti.


The week after Christmas, we will ship our yearly container from Tulsa, Oklahoma. We fill the container with text books, school supplies, Church supplies and supplies for our Mission. The cost to ship a container is right around $13,000.00 which is a lot of money, but given the high prices and lack of availability of essential supplies here in Haiti it is still a very good deal for Missions in Haiti. Pray with us that God will supply the funds to buy the supplies and ship them to Haiti. If you would like to be part of this project, we would appreciate your support and we know that God will richly bless you for your giving.


As you may know, we have been in Haiti 20 years and many of the Kids that grew up here at House of Compassion are now reaching adulthood. Some have chosen to stay and works alongside us while others have decided to leave and pursue their own goals. We had to decide if we were going to replace the kids that were grown and gone and after much prayer and meditation, we decided that we should continue to bring in new kids to replace the ones who left. We strongly believe that many of these kids will grow into responsible Christian adults who will make a difference here in Haiti. Christ is the only answer for all the problems in this world and here in Haiti.


Thank you for your support of this work. We couldn’t do what we do without your financial support and your prayers! Please keep us in your prayers daily!


P.S. Thank you for keeping Haiti in your prayers during the Hurricane season.  Several hurricanes were predicted to hit the Port au Prince area but they went North of Haiti and the only weather we got from the hurricanes was torrential rainfall. God was merciful!

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