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December 2022

Greetings from Haiti in the name of Jesus!


When I sat down to write this newsletter, I found this was the most difficult newsletter that I’ve written during our 24 years here in Haiti. We always enjoy telling you about the great things that have been accomplished here at Missions in Haiti, but as you probably know, things here in Haiti today aren’t good. Wicked gangs control an estimated 60% of Haiti and there is not a functioning government, the nation of Haiti is in total anarchy. These gangs murder, rape, steal and destroy at will. The distribution of food and fuel are controlled by gangs and there are very serious shortages of both food and fuel. Haiti is one of five nations in the world in a famine, people are starving. A number of Americans and Canadians have left Haiti and many Haitians are suffering because those sources for food and medical aid have dried up. Haiti has been labeled the most dangerous country in the world by some sources. Please pray with us that the international community will intervene to help the Haitian police force put a stop to these gangs and to help Haiti restore a functioning government. Also, please write your U. S. Representative and Senator and ask them to get the U.S. military involved in putting down these gangs. 


Hundreds of Haitians are fleeing Haiti every day on badly overloaded rickety wooden boats that aren’t fit to navigate the open ocean. They risk their lives to get to Puerto Rico or the U.S. to escape the unbearable conditions in Haiti. 


It’s easy to look at the situation in Haiti and get discouraged, but then I’m reminded of all the great things that have happened here at Missions in Haiti during 2022;


In spite of the 37% inflation in Haiti this year, God has met every financial need for Missions in Haiti and we give Him praise and thanks for that! 


Our bakery has been instrumental in helping feed many people in this area. There were times when it looked like we wouldn’t be able to get the ingredients needed to make bread, but each time God provided!


We loaded a container in Tulsa back in the Summer and we thought it was held up in Miami due to gangs controlling the Haitian port, but we learned that the container was lost somewhere between Tulsa and the Port of Miami. I am pleased to report that the container was located in Dallas and it is now on its way to Haiti and is projected to arrive at the Haitian port on December 25! Please pray with us that the container will make it safely from the port and through the areas controlled by gangs to our location. There are school books for a number of schools here in Haiti on the container.


Then there was what I believe to be a true miracle. In May, one of the wickedest gangs in Haiti was close to taking over our area. I could hear gun fire getting closer and closer and I’ll admit that I was very concerned, discouraged, and scared. I knew what could happen if the gangs overran our facility. I contacted a number of Pastors and prayer warriors stateside and along with a number of people in our area, we went to our knees and God intervened in a miraculous way and turned that gang back!  Given everything that is going on, the people at the Good Hope Church have drawn closer to God this year and we have been having great services at the Church.


Back in the Spring, Davy, Yvaniel, Clarissa and Manoushka graduated from Bible School. Yvaniel, Clarissa and Manoushka have returned to Haiti and they are a blessing helping us with our work here. Davy and his new bride Natalie, committed to working in Haiti long term. We are praying that God will bless and protect these young people. We believe that God has a great plan for their lives. 


The schools in Haiti were forced to delay opening for two months because the whole country was shut down due to protests and lack of fuel. It is reported that only 52% of the schools are open now. We are so thankful that our schools are fully open and classrooms are full. Pray for the safety of our school kids, our teachers and faculty.


Please keep Missions in Haiti in your prayers daily. Our goal has always been to raise up a generation of Haitian kids in Church, give them a good Christ centered education and we believe that they will make a positive difference in Haiti someday.


As 2022 winds down, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your prayers and for your financial support. There isn’t any way we could do what we do without your support.


May God richly bless you and your family for all you do for his people. 


All of us here at Missions in Haiti wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year!


David Lloyd

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